
Web3 Music Recap: End of 2022 Edition

We say farewell to 2022 with one final recap, ending the year on a high note with our favorite music from December.

2 years ago

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It's about time we looked back on the previous month of curating, collecting, and listening. This round up is part monthly recap (like the previous months we've done) and part 2022 in review. So plug the headphones in and let's take a stroll through the final days of 2022.

The Red Vineyard

It's no secret that we're Kane Mayfield (Twitter) fans around here (check out the 15 Lessons article he co-wrote with us), but he saved some of his absolute best stuff for last in 2022. The Red Vineyard is a real work of audiovisual art. Kane has been utilizing AI art alongside his music since 2021 but the video he assembled for this piece is jaw dropping.

But when you actually listen to the music, hear the story, the intention behind it is clear that it is one of the most thoughtfully assembled works of hip hop in crypto yet. I think this is the best work he's ever done, and is one of the finest examples of how AI art can complement the work of a musician.

A Weinbagz New Year

An interesting trend of the last month has been the rise of open editions on Ethereum (made possible by Manifold), which weren't very practical until now since gas fees are cheap. Weinbagz (Twitter), an early supporter and creator in the Web3 space dove in as well with a rendition of the classic Auld Lang Syne. It's a great blend of traditional and contemporary, with the AI being used to great effect here, showing us how complementary it can be.

If you're interested in learning more, here's our guide to minting music with Manifold.

The Metaverse Song

The Metaverse Song by jleewalls.eth (Twitter) gets the easy nod from us. The origins of this track are compelling and relatable - what started off as a meme between friends on Twitter Spaces and Clubhouse rooms took a life of it's own and morphed into an actual project. The interesting part about this drop is that there are 4 different versions of the song and the cover art comes in 20 different flavors, all from different creators. It's a fun mechanic that scratches the musical, artistic, and generative itches.

Guitar Daydream

Moodan (Twitter) must be another musician that prescribes to the "save the best for last" school of thought, because the quality of the music coupled with the animation likely makes Guitar Daydream my favorite fx(hash) project of the year, just a week before Christmas. The classical guitar riffs alongside some very suave dance moves make for an extremely compelling audiovisual experience. The guitar twangs are gentle, sweeping, and the perfect amount of tempo to groove with.


Markovichviolin (Twitter) takes their violin down some old city streets in this track, titled "Hope" and somehow is able to weave notes together in a strange dark tapestry. The music is tinged with a noir-ish aesthetic, evoking images of smoky jazz clubs and gritty city streets. As the song progresses, the violin's voice becomes more frantic, as if it's trying to escape before quickly fading away in the darkness.

The G.O.A.T (Painted Edition)

IFCKINGLOVEKIWI (Twitter) has done it again with this soulful tribute to Michael Jordan. The Goat is a lo-fi hip hop beat with some fun samples coupled with downtuned, slightly distorted instrumentals, coming together as a feeling of gritty focus. The smooth transitions throughout the track create a fluid, almost meditative listening experience, as if you're following Jordan's journey on the court. It still brings enough of an upbeat tempo, reminiscent of the excitement on the court. When it's all said and done, this is a fitting tribute to the greatest of all time.

Perfect Cell

"Perfect Cell" is a flawless introduction to what you can expect from Cannon Jones (Twitter). The lyricism on display is already world class, but pairing it with his vocals, and the clarity at which he enunciates every single word brings it together to form a 5 minute 22 second work of art. This is undeniably one of the best hip hop tracks ever minted onto the Tezos blockchain.

His delivery is non stop and once Cannon starts, he's taking you for a ride, rather than you listening along, there's no other way to put it. This is a true showcase of his talent as a storyteller and rapper alike, making this a must listen for any fan of quality hip hop.  You'll hear why it was a snap decision to add it to the DNS music vault.

Onward to 2023

There were some truly exceptional releases to close out 2022 from the Web3 community. We're now two weeks into the new year and are very excited at what it will bring for everyone, but especially for the independent creators that provide so much texture to the space.

The DNS Team

Published 2 years ago