
How to Add Ethereum, Tezos, or Polygon Wallets to DNS Profile

If you've ever thought to yourself: "Wow, it sure would be nice if I could combine multiple wallets on multiple chains and display all of my NFTs on one page!", then today is your lucky day.

3 years ago

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If you've ever thought to yourself: "Wow, it sure would be nice if I could combine multiple wallets on multiple chains and display all of my NFTs on one page!", then today is your lucky day.

If our short animation above wasn't clear enough, just follow these simple steps to add another wallet to your existing profile.

Step 1

Make sure you're already logged into DNS, and either use the left hand menu to expose the link to the settings page, or simply visit

Step 2

From the Settings page, we should see a button that's titled "Add new wallet". Select it, and you'll be presented with a prompt to sign in with a Tezos or Ethereum wallet.

Step 3

Choose Tezos or Ethereum, authorize with your wallet of choice, and now you've got a new wallet tied to your page.

Step 4

Once you've successfully signed the message with your wallet, you should now be able to see it alongside the first wallet you had synced.

That's all that is needed to add additional wallets to your profile page on DNS. Please reach out to us via Discord if you have any issues, or something doesn't work the way you expected it to.

The DNS Team

Published 3 years ago