The Artists of #TezQuakeAid: omgidrawedit

This post is from a series of deeper dives into the work of artists contributing to #TezQuakeAid. For more information on how you can support the relief efforts, click here.


George Goodwin, better known as omgidrawedit, is one of the most well known, cherished, and important artists to operate within the Tezos ecosystem. George secured a special place within the Tezos history books with the creation of the Tezzardz. Before beginning his Tezos journey he was an artist and author, where he studied at the Plymouth College of Art.

In 2018 he wrote "Don't Shoot the Long Tailed Tiger", a comic book about a tiger that went missing from the zoo. It was used to illustrate his choice of going vegan several years prior to that and expressed anti-hunting sentiments, which was explained in this interview:

“Ramming your views down someone’s throat isn’t going to get you anywhere. My approach is to try and present ideas and stimulate thinking around ethical issues, to awake in people questions and thinking which leads to change. I don’t hate people who aren’t vegans and I’d prefer to see someone genuinely thinking for themselves around ethical issues than feeling preached at and closing down completely.”

Super Snazzy

Tezzardz was the first successful PFP collection on Tezos, and helped set the tone of all future Tezos projects. While other blockchain ecosystems were filled with projects with lofty promises and little delivery, Tezzardz was done without a roadmap, promise of utility, or any other gimmick. In fact, Tezzardz actively mocked these things, and the witty irreverence quickly defined the Tezos community.

Tezzardz were almost immediately sold out. They were the first collection to eclipse 1,000,000 XTZ trading volume, and would hold onto that spot until the release of Dogami. Even today, they occupy the same elite territory as something like a Cryptopunk on the Ethereum network. George and his 4200 fukrs caught lightning in a bottle.

The Art

omgidrawedit has a distinct style, honed over the years, making nearly all of his work instantly recognizable. They feature vibrant color palettes, exaggerated features, and scenes of serenity. His most popular creations prior to Tezzardz was a series on Hic et Nunc, lovingly titled "Bedroom Nostalgia".


George derives a lot of inspiration from his love of science fiction and nature. It's easy to get lost in his extremely detailed, vibrantly colored worlds. George usually embeds messages about the need to have healthier relationships with ourselves, each other, and the planet. In an interview with CreativeBoom George notes his transition from black and white to full color art:

"Then the color came, the floodgates opened, and it scared me. I love colour, but I am terrified of it. I'm still very conscious of the colour in my work. I went from black line work to 'full-on packet of skittles' variety. I think because I work digitally 90% of the time, I don't really see why I should limit my palette."


Lost In Space But Generally Pretty Cool With It.

George came out of hiatus and contributed an original creation to the earthquake relief efforts of #TezQuakeAid. There were 200 editions minted at a price point of 5 XTZ each. There are still a number of copies available on the primary market for purchase, and 100% of the sales proceeds will be donated to the cause. Grab an edition, get a great piece of art from a great artist, and support the people of Turkiye and Syria as they continue to battle through these tragic earthquakes.