How To Quickly Find & Organize Your NFTs on DNS

There is such a variety of NFT marketplaces across the Tezos, Ethereum, and Polygon ecosystems that keeping track of everything can be challenging. One of the simple ways we've made things seamless is the ability to find the NFT you're looking for on DNS by simply copying and pasting the link into our search bar and you'll be taken directly to that page.

The search feels really fast. I used my mouse to copy the link, and I used CTRL+V to paste it, then hit Enter which closed the search modal and the NFT was ready almost instantaneously.

But wait there's more  

It's a fantastic mobile experience too. Here's me copying a link to an NFT from OBJKT, and navigating directly to that same item on in just a few seconds. ⏩

So that means you can create lists, favorite items, and browse the rest of the site no matter what kind of device you're using. That includes the music player too. 🎧Creating lists, finding, saving,  and curating content has never been easier. 🤌

We support all of your most used marketplaces like OBJKT, Teia, Versum, and OpenSea. Anytime you're using one of those platforms and you find something that you want to save or add to one of your lists, just send the link to our search bar. You'll be able to save it and put it alongside any other items you want on DNS. 🎉

One more thing

Show us some lists! We want to see what everyone else can come up with. If you need any inspiration or wondering what some potential lists could be, check out some of the ones I've created:

Come on down and check us out! See how easy it can be to quickly assemble NFT lists and save your NFTs by using other marketplace links. We think you're going to love it.

Let us know on Twitter what you think!

(Don't forget, you can still use our search bar as a normal search tool, as we outlined a couple weeks ago.)