A Guide to Streaming Music on DNS.xyz

One of the defining features of DNS.xyz has been our music player integration, and today we're going to go a little more in depth on it and explain how everything works.

Mini Player

The mini player should always be visible from the bottom of the page. It's minimal, but there are still plenty of actions and information available. We've built a pretty intuitive experience, but here's a breakdown of everything. You should feel right at home if you've streamed music before.

We also display where you're at in the track, and how much of the song has been buffered for you.

If you want to see the music player in action, simply play a track from our homepage.

Fullscreen Player

Selecting the fullscreen button on the mini player will bring you to a fullscreen view that displays the artwork for the currently selected item, as well as the queue of things that will play next.

Songs played are automatically added to the queue, and should stay there until the clear queue button is used. We make it easy to find, save, and organize the songs you've listened to.

Add to Playlist

Using the "Add to playlist" button will give you a small pop up window to select one of your playlists to save it to.

Visit Artist Profile / View Collection

If you want to visit the profile of the artist, or view the collection that the song you're listening to is from, you can quickly get to those pages by using the button with 3 vertical dots located next to the Playlist button.

That should cover how to use and navigate our music player. If you've got feedback, let us know in the Discord server, or give us a shout on Twitter.